Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Ok, so this is apparently my blog. Cool.

I'm Elle Voyage. Well, I'm not, of course, but it seemed like a good name for a blog. It's French for 'She journeys'. Which is what this blog is going to be about. More on that later.

Is it normal to feel this nervous about a blog? I had so much to say earlier when I came up with the fab idea of sharing my warped little mind with the world. And now...nothing. Nada. Zip.

Well, I'm here to talk about me so I'll do that. I am 26 until September 1st, living in sin with the man of my dreams, oldest of 5 kids, raised evangelical Christian but currently agnostic for lack of a better word. I play a lot on the iVillage.com debate boards. The idiotic South Dakota abortion law is a big topic at the moment. More on that later too. I'm so glad I live in England.

I didn't always. Live in England, that is. I was born here but first left the country at the age of 8mos old when my parents drove a caravan to Greece. I've lived in nearly a dozen countries. Once I counted up all our moves and found that we'd moved 17 times in about 10 years. Why, you ask? Well, my folks were evangelical Christians and they walked the walk. We were missionary kids.

Best place I ever lived as a child was Thailand. Gorgeous scenery, wonderful people. And I was 8, so the tourism hadn't really kicked in yet. My youngest sister was born there. I think she was the only blonde, blue-eyed child within 200 miles, and she got pinched half to death. The Thais have a peculiar custom when they want to know a baby's gender. They don't ask - they put their hand down the nappy and check. My mum was a little startled when this first happened to her daughter, but I guess she got used to it.

One of the best things about Thailand in my child mind was the two mango trees we had in the back garden. Bloody fantastic! The mangoes that you buy in Sainsburys don't taste quite right. They're sort of 'perfumy'. Mangoes that fall out of the tree into your hand - now there's a taste to die for!

Another weird memory of Thailand - durian fruit. This is a bizarre fruit that can best be described as onion-flavoured custard. Yes, I know. But really, that's the best description! It's a major delicacy over there, but the smell....well, let's just say it drove my poor pregnant mother into the garden! I could never get past the smell.

Will that do for a first blog? I'll get better at this, I promise...


At 12:36 am, Blogger nelle said...

I can already see you have much to write about, it just takes getting used to the idea. We all write for different reasons, for me... I am selfish and write for me, rofl! Get it out of my head, out in written form.

I look forward to reading what you have to share...

what part of the UK are you in? I've friends in the Liverpool area...


At 4:32 am, Blogger Jillian said...

Hey there,

Mine is jillianmarie77.blogspot.com

At 8:58 am, Blogger Vanda said...

Greetings from Suffolk. Enjoy the world of blogs.

Nelle send me here. Have fun.


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