Thursday, April 13, 2006

My bellydancing post and Nelle’s comments on it made me think of how I look at people. This sounds very silly, but I think that most everyone has something about them that is beautiful, and I think that I think that because of Anne Rice.

Anne Rice’s Lestat is in love with humanity. Every person he sees has a unique beauty in his eyes by virtue of being alive. This undead person looks at an obese, facially scarred woman and sees her as beautiful. Lestat’s perspective caused a change in how I look at people. I don’t use the word ‘ugly’ any more in reference to how a person looks, only in reference to how a person acts. The change wasn’t even a conscious thing – I just don’t see people in the same terms any more.

That also applies to myself. I used to really obsess about my weight, but although I’m now the heaviest I have ever been (150lb on 5’4” frame) due to my recent forced inactivity, I’m not that worried about it. I’m beautiful and loved. I don’t have to be skinny. I’m looking forward to being stronger and fitter when I can go back to my usual routine, but I’m not obsessing. It’s wonderful :oD

I was saying to a friend how much I like the Pink song ‘Stupid Girls’. I would be far happier to suddenly put on a stone than to suddenly lose the ability to think. JK Rowling recently posted something along these lines:

Is fat really the worst thing we can say about someone? Is it worse than mean, vindictive, boring or cruel?
(full rant here:

Food for thought. Mmm…food ;o)


At 4:12 pm, Blogger nelle said...

Terms such as ugly only enter my mind when behaviour is such. I'd never ever say that about someone, because it reduces a person to being all about perceived ideals with beauty, a decidedly cultural and artificial construct.

There is just so much more to a human being.

At 5:42 pm, Blogger Elle said...



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