Thursday, May 11, 2006

So I watched Brokeback last night. This post is going to have some spoilers, so if you haven't seen it and plan to, read no further.


My god, that is one of the saddest films I have ever seen! The worst thing IMO was the immense potential their relationship had, IF it had been allowed to flourish. They balanced each other out so beautifully, they could have been so happy ..... if only.... And the collateral damage caused by thwarting their love was considerable too.

Oddly, I felt a strange disassociation while watching the film. It took me a little while to figure out why. As a female, I am excluded from this romantic tale. And with that thought came an idea of a possible reason that homosexuality is so threatening to some people – it leaves them out. If anyone watches a straight love story, there is someone of their own gender in that story that they can identify with. Both genders are represented. In a gay love story, of course, only one is.

Maybe that’s one reason why gay love stories have not often been told. I realise there are LOTS more reasons, but I had never heard this one posited before. It was brand new and shiny out of my brain, lol!

Also it’s very early and I am not totally awake yet, so if this is a total load of bollocks let me know :oD


At 11:58 pm, Blogger nelle said...


I would throw this out to ponder...

of how it is for gays to watch hetero relationships. Yes, we can identify with one gender, but for some, hard to indentify within a relationship with someone not their gender.

Food for thought, and I shall ponder on! How did your mom like it?

At 4:05 pm, Blogger Elle said...

I did think of that, and I understand how great it must be for gay guys to have THEIR relationships up on the big screen for a change. Lesbian relationships seem to be more widely portrayed anyway, and it doesn't seem to be as challenging as male homosexuality - which goes back to the whole macho patriarchal thing, which you and I could pick apart for months, lol!


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