Saturday, May 27, 2006

In Nelle's grand tradition, I'm going to post some lyrics to a bloody good song by Nerina Pallot. She reminds me of Alanis Morrissette a bit - which is a HUGE compliment :o) If you haven't heard this song, go and find it.

'Everybody's Gone To War'

I've got a friend, he's a pure-bred killing machine,
He says he's waited his whole damn life for this,
I knew him well when he was seventeen,
Now he's a man; he'll be dead by Christmas.
And so...
Everybody's going to war,
But we don't know what we're fighting for,
Don't tell me it's a worthy cause,
No cause could be so worthy.

If love is a drug, then I guess we're all sober,
If hope is a song then I guess it's all over,
How to have faith, when faith is a crime?
I don't want to die...

If God's on our side, then God is a joker,
Asleep on the job, his children fall over,
Running out through the door and straight to the sky,
I don't want to die...

For every man who wants to rule the world,
There'll be a man who just wants to be free,
What do we learn but what should not be learnt?
Too late to find a cure for this disease.
And so...

Everybody's going to war,
But we don't know what we're fighting for,
Don't tell me it's a worthy cause,
No cause could be so worthy.
If love is a drug, I guess we're all sober,
If hope is a song, I guess it's all over,
How to have faith, when faith is a crime?
I don't want to die...

If God's on our side, then God is a joker,
Asleep on the job, his children fall over,
Running out through the door, and straight to the sky,
I don't want to die...
I-I-I-I don't want to die,
I-I don't want to die...

I've got a friend, he's a pure-bred killing machine,
I think he might be dead by Christmas...

Friday, May 26, 2006

well, now that I'm unlocked I'm going to bugger off to Greece for a week! Leaving Tues, may or may not have a chance to blog over the weekend but will have A LOT to say when I get back Tues 6th.

Have a great time while I'm gone!

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Stole this from a post of Nelle's on ivillage. I thought it was awesome:

"Choose your path. Choose it knowing the validity of all other paths. Only then will your choice have merit. "

Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Infuriatingly, Blogger has decided that this is a spam blog and has locked me out, so I will save this as a draft and hope that they will EVENTUALLY unlock me! Nelle, how are you finding your new blog platform? I may have to think about migration.


Lola and I went with the rest of our family to a handfasting ceremony on Sunday. For those who have no idea what a handfasting is, look here:

It was an incredibly beautiful ceremony. For someone like me, it may in fact be the ideal choice when I eventually ‘tie the knot’ (an expression originating in handfasting). Town Halls are soulless, and churches mean little to me. Something like this is all about nature, all about the earth and our connection to her and to each other…’s very powerful.

Since handfasting ceremonies differ, I’m going to describe the one we attended. If this is boring, skip to the end because Lola and I contributed to the day in a very cool way, which I’ll write about at the end. Anyway, here’s what happened (I won’t bore you with the preliminary ‘waiting round for the rain to stop’ business, lol!)

The ceremony was held in the 9-acre (!!!) garden of a house owned by friends of the couple. There was a beautiful well-kept garden section, behind which was a big woodlandy chunk, in which the ceremony was held.

Once everyone was ready to begin and the weather eased up, the men and women were separated. The women went up to the house to meet the bride, and the men went to the ceremonial area with the groom. Once there, we were taught a song to sing as we walked before the bride to the ceremonial area. Lola happily banged at a drum she’d been given, and I sang at the top of my lungs as we walked down, with my 3rd sister shushing me for singing too loud, lol!

The bride followed the noisy crowd of female guests in a beautiful red dress, with a garland of leaves and flowers on her head. The red dress made a particular impression on me. Not only did it suit her black skin wonderfully, it reminded me that we were not attending a patriarchal virginal-woman wedding. She was dressed in the colour of blood, the colour of life, the colour long associated with female strength and weakness. The colour of womanhood. It brought Ayla and the Earth Children to my mind, as well as, of course, the Red Tent.

As we walked through the woods singing and drumming, I felt like I should have had a flaming torch in my hand. As we neared the ceremonial area, a small clearing, we could hear the men’s voices lifted in the same song. We reached the area, and saw that the men were walking in a circle around the ceremonial space. This was formed of four 7ft arches facing the four directions, which had been made by long wooden poles which were planted into the ground at one end and crossed each other at the other end, like this:

*damn blogger won't let me put the pic in, but you get the idea!*

Each pole was decorated from end to end with vines, leaves and flowers. At each arch was a representation of one of the four elements – a rose quartz stone for Earth, a bowl of water for Water, a lighted incense stick planted in the ground for Fire. For Air, a feather was tied to the top of the arch where the poles joined.

In front of the Earth arch was the stump of a tree, which had been covered by a cloth. On this altar were two small candles, a larger candle and a glass. A bottle of red wine rested against the altar. I later learned that the two candles on the altar represented the two of them, and the larger candle represented their union.

As we came into the clearing, the men continued to march in a circle around the ceremonial area, singing the song. We joined them, filtering into their circle, making it larger. The officiator (I may not call her Priestess as she does not claim that title) stood before the Earth arch and behind the altar. When the circle stopped, I was lucky to be standing just to her left behind the arch, so I could see both the bride and groom’s faces.

The groom stood just outside the ceremonial space, to the left of the officiator, behind the Air arch. The bride stood on the other side of the space, to the right of the officiator, behind the Water arch. I’m not going to repeat the whole ceremony here, but it was more or less like this:

After that bit of the ceremony, we all lined up in two lines facing each other and made an arch of our arms for the happy couple to walk through. The last part of the ceremony was jumping the fire. Which means exactly what it says – holding hands, they jumped over a fire! My mum got a great action shot, lol! And then we ate and drank in a very atmospheric construction (basically an outdoor stage with a tent draped over it), which reminded me of those Viking halls you see in films – low ceilinged, dark, bedecked inside with garlands of anything that grows! There was also a yurt, of all things! It was the real thing, except it had a wooden door instead of flaps, and it was all tricked out inside with cushions and low divan-style seating. Very Turkish, and you had to take your shoes off before going in. Several of the attendees had brought musical instruments, so while we ate we listened to drums, a fiddle, a flute, a dulcimer etc.

There was also a small fire, around which everyone clustered as the sun was dipping and it was starting to get cold. At this point the bride indicated to Lola and I that it was time for us to do our bit, so we went into the yurt and came out after about 10mins - in full bellydancing gear!! Unfortunately the CD player couldn’t read our CD, so we ended up jamming with the musicians – we danced to their playing and they played to our dancing. It was incredible. There we were, in an unrehearsed, exuberant dance around a campfire in the middle of a woodland.

After we’d danced around for a while, we pulled up some (un)willing volunteers and taught them some basic moves. I was really impressed with Lola at this point, and the way she worked the crowd. Everyone was howling with laughter because we had 2 guys up as well as the officiator and my 2nd sister, and watching men try to do these extremely feminine moves is just hysterical, lol! All the volunteers were great sports, clowning around and really getting into it. Finally we were exhausted, and left the ‘stage’ (a patch of slightly less muddy grass) to tremendous applause and cheers.

Overall, an amazing day!

Hi kids!!! Infuriatingly, Blogger decided that I was a spam post so I've been locked since Saturday, and they have just today unlocked me. Thanks very much!!!

Have lots to blog about, so watch this space - it'll be busy over the next couple days ;o)

Sunday, May 14, 2006

I'm so proud - my little sister posted her first blog entry today! Readers, read this:

Thursday, May 11, 2006

So I watched Brokeback last night. This post is going to have some spoilers, so if you haven't seen it and plan to, read no further.


My god, that is one of the saddest films I have ever seen! The worst thing IMO was the immense potential their relationship had, IF it had been allowed to flourish. They balanced each other out so beautifully, they could have been so happy ..... if only.... And the collateral damage caused by thwarting their love was considerable too.

Oddly, I felt a strange disassociation while watching the film. It took me a little while to figure out why. As a female, I am excluded from this romantic tale. And with that thought came an idea of a possible reason that homosexuality is so threatening to some people – it leaves them out. If anyone watches a straight love story, there is someone of their own gender in that story that they can identify with. Both genders are represented. In a gay love story, of course, only one is.

Maybe that’s one reason why gay love stories have not often been told. I realise there are LOTS more reasons, but I had never heard this one posited before. It was brand new and shiny out of my brain, lol!

Also it’s very early and I am not totally awake yet, so if this is a total load of bollocks let me know :oD

Thursday, May 04, 2006


My friend A called up yesterday to invite me on a week’s holiday to Sicily with her – all expenses paid!! I AM SO EXCITED! We’ve been friends for nearly 7 yrs now and when we met she was dealing with a lot of shit that I’ve been able to help her with over that period, and I guess she wanted to say thanks, lol (plus wanting company on the holiday). Not that she needed to do this, but I am NOT about to say no!

We’re going to be an hour’s drive away from Mt Etna (no eruption jokes please!) on the fabulous island of Sicily in the beginning of July, when it’s likely to be waaayy too hot for me but A will be in her element. I have no idea why she was born in England, in body and temperament she belongs to much warmer climes.

AND I am going to the Greek island of Kefalonia with DM at the end of this month. Think of it…Greece and Italy in the same year!! Well, I wanted to know about goddesses. I can hardly think of better places to find out, lol!

HOO-EFFING-RAY!!! I am going to have SO much to post about when I get back!

Is anyone still reading this?